Tips to Extend the Life of Your Generator

Tips to Extend the Life of Your Generator

Generator Love Keeping Your Powerhouse Purrin. Power outages are the worst.  Suddenly, you're fumbling in the dark, the fridge is making suspicious gurgling noises, and your phone's battery is about to tap out. That's when your trusty generator roars to life, a knight in shining armour saving the day.  But just like any good friend, generators need some TLC to keep running smoothly when you need them most.

The good news? Keeping your generator happy isn't rocket science. Over the years, I've learned a few simple tricks to keep mine running like a champ, and I'm here to share the knowledge!

Oil Changes: The Lifeblood of Your Generator

Think of your generator's oil as its lifeblood. Just like you check your car's oil regularly, you want to keep an eye on your generator's level. If it's low, top it up with the kind recommended in the owner's manual (it's basically the bible for your generator!).  Speaking of oil, changes are important too. This gets rid of all that gunk that can mess up the engine.  New generators typically need an oil change after about 20-30 hours of use, and then usually every 50-60 hours after that. But definitely check your manual for your specific model's needs.

Air Filter: The Tiny Mask That Keeps Your Generator Breathing Easy

Imagine your air filter as a tiny mask for your generator, filtering out all that dust and dirt that could make it run rough. You want to check it regularly and swap it out when it's looking filthy. Here's a neat trick: snap a photo of your new air filter after you put it in. Then, you can easily compare it to the old one to see when it's time to say goodbye.

Taming the Dust Bunnies: Keeping Your Generator Clean

Let's talk cleaning! Dust bunnies love building nests in vents, making it hard for your generator to breathe. Just make sure the generator is off and completely cool before you wipe it down with a damp cloth. You can also use a soft brush or some compressed air to clean out the vents and other areas. I like to set a 10-minute timer and see how much I can clean in that timeframe - it makes it a bit of a challenge!

Testing, Testing: Why It's Important to Run Your Generator

You might be thinking, "Why would I run the generator when the power's already on?" Well, trust me, it's a smart idea to test it out every now and then. This way you can make sure it's working properly and catch any problems before you're in a blackout crisis. Just run it for about 20-30 minutes and listen for any strange noises or leaks.  While it's running, try plugging in a couple of appliances to make sure everything works under a load.

Generator Hibernation: How to Store Your Generator for Long Periods

Finally, if you know you won't be using your generator for a while, there are a few things to keep in mind for storage. If it will be chilling out for more than a month, it's a good idea to either drain all the fuel or add a fuel stabiliser. You should also cover it up to protect it from dust and moisture and try to find a cool, dry place for it to hibernate. I even made a little storage checklist to keep next to mine so I don't forget anything!

By following these simple tips, you can keep your generator happy and healthy, ensuring it's there to save the day when the power goes out. Remember, a little TLC goes a long way! And at Gen Services, we prioritize proactive maintenance to keep your generators running smoothly. As Hyderabad's leading DG set service provider, we offer comprehensive maintenance plans and expert service engineers. Don't wait for an emergency to realize the importance of maintenance. Trust Gen Services for reliable service and maintenance. Contact us at +919502256789 or visit

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